A geoelectric survey was carried out in Badeggi under Katcha Local Government area of Niger State with the aim of evaluating the aquifer protective capacity and soil corrosivity of the overburden units in the study area using vertical electrical sounding method. G41 Resistivity meter was employed to obtain forty VES points within ten profiles, with the interval of 50 m between the profiles.The Schlumberger electrode array was employed to obtain the data which was further modelled using computer iteration (Winresist software). The information obtained from modelling was used toevaluate longitudinal conductance and transmissivities of the layers. The results show generally low resistivities across the survey area and an average longitudinal conductance variation from 0.1171 Siemens to 0.925 Siemens and the average transmissivity values ranges between 91.62 Ωm to 1339.4 Ωm. The field data gives a resolution with 4–5 geoelectriclayers and the observed frequencies in curve types include: 40% of QH, 35% of Q, 17.5% of QHK and 7.5% of QKH. Classifying the longitudinal unit conductance (S)andthe protective capacities of the study area as 20% weak, 0% poor, 72.5% moderate, and 7.5% as good,the corrosivity ratings of the study area showsthat 42.5% is slightly corrosive and 57.5% is practically non-corrosive. The results reasonably provide information on areas where any form of agricultural and industries activities can be in order to safeguard the hydrological setting sited for laid and iron pipes for resident’s safety within the study area.
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Background of the study
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